

Hello 👋

Welcome to visit Jalees Moeen

Hey there, it’s Jalees Moeen!

My professional experience includes over two years as a IT Analyst at Toyota Motor Corporation and several months as a IT Support Execuitve at The Grand Atrium.

🌟 Got thoughts to share? Whether it’s data, tech, or just a friendly hello, my inbox is wide open! Drop me a line at jaleesmoeen125@gmail.com, and let’s conjure up some tech magic together!

😄 Pronouns: He/Him.

⚡ Fun fact: Beyond being a data analyst, I’m also a wanderer! Exploring new places on long walks provides the perfect backdrop for introspection. Check out some snapshots and reels here » https://www.tiktok.com/@jaleesmoeen?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

🛠️ Tools of the Trade

Discover some of the tools and technologies I’ve delved into on my data journey:

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